Saturday, June 28, 2008

Lots Happening at the Market

Hello Again,

July should be a pretty busy month for the market. We've got some music lined up to perform in the middle of the park and our vendors are setting records every Saturday. Today was the first day for the Farm to Family coupons and we had a great turn out of people taking advantage of the offer. Burlington loves the Market and we love our customers! We haven't always had the best weather but our loyal family of fans make it down week after week and we thank you all. We are gearing up for our first winter market and ironing out the logistics. Look for some of your favorite summer vendors as well as new winter vendors. We are always accepting applications for both markets if you interested you can download an application from our website. I'd like to thank all the people that have been signing up for our "Friends of the Market" effort. This is a real grassroots movement that the market is starting this year to gauge interest in the market. If you'd like to help with a certain project or you think your area of expertise could be beneficial to the growth of the market stop by my tent and we'll chat.

Friday, June 6, 2008

More BFM Pictures

Some more pictures of the market for your enjoyment!

Monica's Tamale Girl Tamales

Tamale Girl Offerings

Beautiful preserves from Black Creek Preserves

Montcalm Winery

Chick Peace Hummus

Sue Johnson from Meadowland Farm spinning her wool.

Some of her wool offerings.

Molly & Eric from Pitchfork Farm.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Rainy Market

Hello Everyone,

Well we knew it would be beautiful every market day. The crops needed the rain is what I heard from the farmers last Saturday. I wanted to thank all of our die hard, loyal patrons that made it out to see us Saturday. Overall it was a successful market. I'm excited to announce the market is exploring the possibility of local musicians coming to perform at the market. Something new we're trying out to see the response we get. Next Saturday we have a group performing called, That Toga Band. Stop by and let me know what you think.