Wednesday, December 3, 2008

First Winter Market a Success!!

I have put together a nice photostream of the first winter market held at Memorial Auditorium November 22nd.  
It was packed, people had perma-grins on their faces, and the air was festive as customers bought supplies for Thanksgiving dinner.  It took me so long to just get past the first aisle of vendors because there were so many people, but also because there were so many folks I haven't seen since market ended back in October!  We had a lot of fun talking with everyone and learning what a valuable resource the market is to our Burlington community.  I didn't take nearly as many photos as I should have - I must say, it was quite a challenge balancing my lunch, purchases, AND the camera at this market!  What a great day!

The masses descend.

The balcony afforded a fantastic view of the orderly mayhem on the floor.

Lewis Creek was there with a wide selection of produce.

Fuad, the Samosaman was there with his popular samosas.

Arethusa Collective Farm was there with great storage crops...

...and debuting their new tomato sauce, sauerkraut, and frozen veggies!

There were plenty of new vendors to check out, too.  Here's Geni's Raw Vegan Foods.

And another welcome addition, East Shore Vineyards!  

More pictures coming soon!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The WINTER MARKET is happening !!!!!

Burlington Winter Farmers' Market Announces Vendors

Burlington - What's for sale at a winter farmers' market? The list of 34
winter vendors, announced today by the Burlington Farmers' Market
Association, helps answer that question.

"Everyone is curious about what exactly is for sale at a winter farmers'
market," said Hank Bissell, president of the Burlington Farmers' Market
Association. "The wide array of vendors who will be selling their products
at the winter market shows that quite a variety of local agricultural
products, along with prepared foods and crafts, are available, even in the

Farmers will be offering eggs, cheeses, meats, maple syrup, honey, wine,
jams, pickles, and a variety of vegetables. This harvest season,
agricultural vendors are storing crops such as carrots, beets, potatoes,
squash, onions, and garlic for sale at the market, while others are freezing
produce such as corn and strawberries.

The market will be held in Memorial Auditorium, 10am-2pm with the kick off
market November 22. The market will then continue on to the third Saturday
of each month from December through April (December 20, January 17, February
21, March 21, and April 18).

The market is generously sponsored by City Market/Onion River Co-op, The
Community and Economic Development Office (CEDO), and the Northeast Organic
Farming Association of Vermont (NOFA Vermont).

2008-2009 Burlington Winter Farmers' Market Vendors
Adam's Village Bakery
After All Designs
Amai Bijoux
Arethusa Collective Farm
Bee Happy Vermont
Doe's Leap Farm
Dragonfly Sugarworks
Flower Power VT
Fresh Tracks Farm
Full Moon Farm
GeniVegan Raw Food
Got Local Kitchens
Green Mountain Granola
Honey Gardens Apiaries
Jangle Designs
Jericho Settler's Farm
Kathryn's Bags
Lake Ends Cheeses
Lewis Creek Farm
Maple Wind Farm
McGurran Bee Farm
Naga Bakehouse
Pine Ledge Fiber Studio
Plouhgate Creamery
Rockville Market Farm
Roof Top Pottery
Samosaman Natural Foods
Savage Gardens
Serchan's Ethnic Foods
Sunny Brook Maple
Tamarack Hollow Farm
The Nutty Vermonter
Willow Hill Farm

Thursday, August 28, 2008

A few pictures of some of our new vendors

Jessica from the world famous Lulu & Bea children clothing line.
We welcome her and her business partner Diane to the market this year as provisional vendors.

Just a sampling of what Lulu & Bea have to showcase.

Great advertising.

Alex & Nick - The Dinky Donut Team - also new to the market this year. These two go out of their way to provide Farmers Market inspired donuts every week. Always with great success.

A sampling of the favorites.

Adam is a new baker to the market this year and provides our customers with a great variety of hearty, old world, artisan breads.

Mark from Jericho Settlers Farm

Fresh chicken was available earlier in the season but they've sold out. A great sign of success for the farm.

Pitchfork Farm is new this year and we welcome them to the market. Come check out their farm fresh produce every Saturday.

Molly from Pitchfork Farm located in Intervale Center.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

EBT and Debit Success!

Hello everyone! Mara the BFM Treasurer here to let you know about the new project that the Burlington Farmers' Market is doing. One of the major projects requested by our membership to the BFM Steering Committee was to work on getting our market to accept Food Stamps, also known as EBT. EBT stands for Electronic Benefits Transfer. It was a long road getting here, filled with meeting after meeting after conference call after Federal form to fill out, but we have succeeded and now we officially accept Food Stamps! This is a great project spearheaded by NOFA-VT. Not only does the nifty wireless machine that we now possess accept EBT, but it also accepts debit as well (for a very small market-supporting transaction fee of $1.00)! So, what this means is that a customer can go to the market manager's tent, talk with our super awesome EBT operator, UVM student Katie Carroll, and let her know how much $$ they would like to spend at the market that day. They swipe their card, and if they are an EBT customer they receive $1 tokens, and if they are

a Debit customer, they receive $5 tokens. The funds immediately get transferred from their EBT/Debit account and get deposited into our account. Since we are not a bank, we cannot dispense actual cash, so we use these nifty all maple VT made tokens with our logo on them. Since it is a Federal program, people with EBT cards from any state can use our machine and receive tokens! The customer then goes to the vendors and uses them like cash. The vendors turn in their tokens to the market, and get reimbursed with a check.

I thought that it would take a long time to get lots of customers using this system, but in 2 weeks of operation, we have over $210 in EBT sales and $179 in Debit sales! This means that EBT customers are coming to market and using them to outpace debit transactions, which is exactly what we hoped it would do!

Another nice perk of the EBT machine is that we can use it year-round, so even at our winter market. Hopefully Burlingtonians will continue to see this as a valuable service and use it as even more incentive to visit our market! So, if you find yourself stuck at the market with no cash, go see Katie and she'll be happy to swipe your Debit or EBT card and get you some tokens!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Market in July

Hello there,

It's a great time to make it down to the market. July is shaping up to be an awesome month for the Burlington Farmers Market. Last week we had the North Star Amblers performing for us in the center of the park and this coming week we have a string quartet from UVM coming to share some music. The Farm to Family program is in full swing and we have a lot of locals taking advantage of this great program. Parents are getting a chance to provide healthy, nutritious fruits and vegetables to their families and the farmers at the market are providing great choices for them. Are craft vendors are setting records and as usual our food vendors are offering delicious lunch options. Burlington Farmers Market tote bags have arrived and are available for $15 at the managers tent set up on College Street. They've been a huge success so far and it's a great way to show your support for the market. I wanted to thank everyone again for showing their support for the market and offering to help out where ever they can. See you all Saturday.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Lots Happening at the Market

Hello Again,

July should be a pretty busy month for the market. We've got some music lined up to perform in the middle of the park and our vendors are setting records every Saturday. Today was the first day for the Farm to Family coupons and we had a great turn out of people taking advantage of the offer. Burlington loves the Market and we love our customers! We haven't always had the best weather but our loyal family of fans make it down week after week and we thank you all. We are gearing up for our first winter market and ironing out the logistics. Look for some of your favorite summer vendors as well as new winter vendors. We are always accepting applications for both markets if you interested you can download an application from our website. I'd like to thank all the people that have been signing up for our "Friends of the Market" effort. This is a real grassroots movement that the market is starting this year to gauge interest in the market. If you'd like to help with a certain project or you think your area of expertise could be beneficial to the growth of the market stop by my tent and we'll chat.

Friday, June 6, 2008

More BFM Pictures

Some more pictures of the market for your enjoyment!

Monica's Tamale Girl Tamales

Tamale Girl Offerings

Beautiful preserves from Black Creek Preserves

Montcalm Winery

Chick Peace Hummus

Sue Johnson from Meadowland Farm spinning her wool.

Some of her wool offerings.

Molly & Eric from Pitchfork Farm.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Rainy Market

Hello Everyone,

Well we knew it would be beautiful every market day. The crops needed the rain is what I heard from the farmers last Saturday. I wanted to thank all of our die hard, loyal patrons that made it out to see us Saturday. Overall it was a successful market. I'm excited to announce the market is exploring the possibility of local musicians coming to perform at the market. Something new we're trying out to see the response we get. Next Saturday we have a group performing called, That Toga Band. Stop by and let me know what you think.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

New Vendors for 2008

Here are some pictures from the market this week!
Here's a special focus on the new vendors for 2008. Enjoy!
Christina & Kris from Fresh Tracks Farm. Be sure to take part in one of their wine tastings every Saturday!! They recently won International awards with 3 of their wines! Check out their website here for details.

Their Frontenac Gris and Vermont Rose.

And the Fresh Tracks Farm Sugarhouse Round Maple.

The folks at Crawford Family Farm showcasing their Vermont Ayr Cheese. Check
here for more great information about their cheese.

Some nice close-ups of their great labels.

The natural rind on their Vermont Ayr cheese.
Adam's Village Bakery.

His Dark Rye.

And the 3-seed loaf.

Danielle Griffin at Danielle's Dressings.

Danielle creates dressings from her own herbs and local in-season fruits.

A few of the selections perfect for all your salad needs!

Danielle also creates salad boquet wraps for lunch!

Two Great Markets in a Row

This past weekend was yet another fantastic market. The weather stayed beautiful and I think graduation and Kid's Day brought out some more people to the market. Last Saturday was also the opening weekend of the Art Mart at the Firehouse Gallery. All things combined to create an all around great experience for our vendors and customers. I wanted to thank all of the people that have been stopping by the Market Managers tent to express their interest in helping the Market grow. We are compiling everyones name and contact information and we will be in touch. We all believe that the market could be huge and we need to get a grassroots movement together to explore all our possibilities. The desire is there both from the Market membership and our customers we just need to point everyone in the right direction. Thanks again.
Chris Wagner

Monday, May 12, 2008

Manager's First Market

Hello Everyone,

Thanks for a great first market. The weather was beautiful and it was inspiring to see all of the markets valued patrons come out to welcome us back to City Hall Park. I wanted to thank everyone for making my first market such a success. I look forward to working with everyone to make this the greatest year for the market. We have big plans for the BFM including bringing in 10 new vendors this year, working with local musicians to showcase their talents at the market and working with the city to discuss the growth of the market. I hope that anyone interested in joining the market, helping the market or discussing the market will stop by and see me some Saturday I'm always willing to hear good ideas. Thanks again. Chris Wagner

Successful First Market!

The BFM had a very successful first market! It was so nice to see all of our vendors back again - not to mention all of our committed customers! There were so many fantastic products available, from rhubarb to handbags to bedding plants and asparagus! We look forward to many more weeks of seasonal produce, fruit, maple, and crafts. Visit us weekly at the Burlington Farmers' Market in City Hall Park in Downtown Burlington every Satuday until October 25th from 8:30 am to 2:00 pm.

Around the Clock Sugarmakers

Kathryn's Bags

Doe's Leap has added kefir to their fantastic line of goat's milk products.

Tamarack Hollow Farm promises bacon hypnosis when you try their bacon!

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Welcome to the Burlington Farmers' Market Blog! We are hoping that this blog can be a forum for BFM vendors, customers and community members to share ideas about making this market the best it can possibly be. Please leave comments and let us know if you'd like to write an article for the blog. Thank you!